Monday, December 13, 2010

Written in the Stars

My horoscope today in the Chronical was spot on: LIBRA September 22-October 22 - There's no denying that 2010 has been a wild and crazy year. What's weird is how it's all starting to make a strange kind of sense.

I began 2011 sitting on my sister's couch playing Sex and City Trivia (it was a close game) while in hiding from my stalker ex-boyfriend who I had dumped for the fourth time two weeks prior. Christmas last year was tough to get through and I ended the night drinking too much and sleeping on my sister's couch. I had no idea where 2010 would lead. Looking back its been just that, "a wild and crazy year". This year I've:

-Moved to the City (twice)
-Met new friends
-Changed jobs within the same company
-Learned my way around San Francisco
-Gone Car-less for the first time since I was 18
-Developed much better taste in music
-Joined a book club
-Seen at least one live concert a month
-Strengthened long-time friendships and fostered new ones
-Watch the Giants become World Series Champions
-Started a Supper Club which consists of only 1 out of 10 women I knew prior to last year
-Lost four pounds and gained it back
-Went on a fabulous Mexican vacation
-Discovered how much I love going to the theatre again
-Travelled the Country for work and attended amazing events (on the field at Wrigley!)
-Completely lost myself
-Finally Found myself

I think this has been my biggest year of change yet and I think when I look back on it - I will count it as one of my best. Can't wait to see what next year has in store.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Just a Remindeer to All the Single Ladies

It has come to my attention lately how good my life is going. Hate to say that, as I may jinx it but seeing I only have three maybe four readers at most I'm sure its okay. I'm not trying to brag but as my Birthday is literally around the corner I'm in a bit of retrospective mood in regard to the past year.

You see recently I met a guy and in no way is he THE one (don't get too excited people) but it made me realize that this time, right now, won't last forever. Right now, I do whatever I want, whenever I want and I don't have to check in with anyone. If I want to go out 6 out of 7 nights during the week: wine with the girls, Giants Game, Concerts, what have you, and then lay around on Saturday watching Hills reruns and eating take-out Chinese, there is no one there to object (or judge).

The dirty dishes in the sink? Mine. The socks on the floor? Mine. The girly decor? All mine. So, when I met the guy, it dawned on me; right now, could be, the last time my life is literally ALL ABOUT ME! No husband, no kids, no turtles, dogs, rabbits. Just me, doing whatever the hell I want, with whoever, whenever I choose..

In summary, I'm not saying the guy is Mr. Right (he may be ruled out tonight at the mandatory 2nd date bowling excursion) but it made me realize that HE could be coming and since I know I want to eventually settle down, maybe have kids, turtles, a dog, BBQs in the backyard, other people's socks on my floor, I better enjoy my ME time now. Because I have a feeling I'm going to look back on this time when I'm living in a house in the 'burbs worrying about soccer practice, packing lunches and paying the mortgage and say, "Damn you, you ungrateful bitch, I'd give anything to watch a Hills marathon in peace and quiet right now".

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

As Tom Petty Would Say....

The Waiting is the hardest part.

Everybody needs a tune up every now and then and I've found psychics are a lot cheaper then therapists. I found Joyce, my psychic advisor on Yelp and after being persuaded by her many happy reviews decided to go see her. Just to get a little insight into the Cosmos per se. In a nutshell? Joyce told me I was in a down period, a funk, a little off of my usual self. Then she threw in that this down period would last until March 25th.

Hold on....wait.....did she say March 25th? As in 2011, March 25th? That March 25th? Yes, yes she did. Thanks a lot Joyce.

With those words, Joyce destined me to a long cold Summer, Fall AND Winter. Giving me the sage advice to, "treat this time as if you are planting bulbs that will bloom in Spring." Great, that's a lot of fun, I hate gardening and I especially hate waiting for things to grow. I'm more of a salad bar gal, I like everything to be laid out already grown. A funk I can deal with, for two weeks, maybe a month - but Joyce is predicting an 8 month funk!

So, what is a single City girl to do? Well, after a short period of doom and gloom and a little advice from the ever knowing and wise Matthew McConeghy via my Sister (Just Keep Livin' L.I.V.I.N), I picked myself up off the couch, shut off Bravo TV re-runs and hit the gym - thankfully they have TVs there too so I was able to not miss a minute of those white trash housewives in New Jersey.

Sooner then later the fun work trips started piling up. VIP in Vegas, on the field at Wrigley, Limo service in D.C. and all on someone else's dime. Things were looking up. Then all of the sudden I was feeling more myself again. No more doom and gloom just a love of the single life. The ability to go where I want, when I want and with who I want.

Just this past weekend - I had a wonderful time watching the Giants beat the Dodgers with my brother in law, meeting some girlfriends and doing some flirting with the boys at the bars, dancing to bad pop music with some good friends and going on what could potentially be a promising date with a Sunday suitor.

Oh and I'm happy to report my waistline is thriving from this "down time" as well - with my new found passion for pilates, running and weight lifting I'm down 4 pounds. Put that in your pipe and smoke it Joyce.

To sum it up - when your psychic gives you some bad news, remember it is all a state of mind. You can have fun while planting bulbs, even if you are a terrible gardener. I mean at least you are in the fresh air right, and the sun is shining? Maybe you will at least get a tan. Probably not if you live in San Francisco but pretty much anywhere else in the world you will.

Oh and you best believe I have March 25th marked on my calendar in red pen and if something AMAZING doesn't happen on that day then I'm hunting down Joyce and demanding a full refund. Hopefully her psychic insight gives her the ability to see me running full tilt at her from behind. Or maybe her spirit guides will warn her. I guess we shall see.

Monday, July 12, 2010

An Urban Wedding

There must be something in the water at work because in the past six months over half of the people who sit in my general area have been either engaged or married. Literally some two at a time, like a Brady girls double wedding. All of this wedded bliss lead to my first urban wedding experience. That's right, first one attended in the City. Weird since I grew up here but Peninsula weddings stick to themselves and seem to want nothing to do with the City wedding riff-raff to the north.

The day started out with a group of us meeting up at a bar on the edge of the Presidio Gates. Since our friends Erin and Greg (no, not a gay couple, even though it is San Francisco) were tying the knot at the Presidio Chapel followed by a reception at the Flood Mansion we figured it would be a great spot to have a beer and enjoy the sunshine prior to the ceremony. One small problem...cabs don't seem to come to the Presidio and if they do they are full. At 4.15 we started to look for a cab to get us to the 5.00 ceremony. At 4:30 we started calling taxis. At 4.45 we started to worry. At 10 till I saw my friend negotiating with the driver of a windowless van. A few minutes later we were all piled into the back of the seatless van in our wedding finery.

As my friend played the "A-Team" theme on his phone our driver expertly careened through the turns of the Presidio and deposited us on the Chapel steps just in time to be seated. Stay Classy San Francisco.

The ceremony was short (under 15 minutes) and very sweet. And with the breaking of the glass and a kiss Mr. and Mrs. were headed out of the Chapel for photos and the guests were shuttled on a tour bus to the Flood Mansion in Pacific Heights. Of course due to bathroom breaks and other delays our group missed the damn bus. Luckily we were able to hitch a ride with the groom's Aunt and rode on laps to the Flood Mansion.

The reception included dinner and dancing amongst the speeches and other traditions. It was all very tasteful and fun and the view was fantastic. Some of my favorite touches were: a basket of Pashmina shawls offered to the ladies during the outdoor cocktail hour prior to dinner, candy room filled with all different kinds of candy, the band was rocking and the view was unmatched. All in all a wonderful evening. Mazel Tov Mr. & Mrs. Ivry!

Friday, June 25, 2010

My Favorite SF Music Venue

Top 10 Reasons I Love the Fillmore

10. They still have a greeter who welcomes each guest with "Welcome to the Fillmore" and he can point out where the ATM is so you can get cash to pay for your $12 beer.

9. The bowl of the most delicious apples at the front door. They are free, you can take one. Oh but word to the wise you know its going to be a rowdy show if the apples aren't there, lesson learned apples + punk rock fans = Trouble!

8. Chandeliers and red velvet curtains - so classy.

7. That it is perfectly okay to spark up a joint but light a cigarette and you get tackled.

6. The fact that every band I've ever seen play at the Fillmore puts on their best show. They are honored to be a part of history, it is sacred ground.

5. Fillmore Posters - the very best thing! Where else can you go to a concert and walk out with a free original souvenir? A great memory of a wonderful evening.

4. I can walk there from my house.

3. The huge poster of Bill Graham on the way out. He was the one, after all, that started it all.

2. Best sound and lights in a small venue. They really do an amazing job - rock show all the way.

1. Fantastic lineups - they never let you down. From huge acts to up and comers, the Fillmore will never disappoint. If you can't find music you like at the Fillmore, then you don't like music.

Friday, June 11, 2010

A Sappy Post

To be quite honest I think the reason I haven’t been blogging as much is I’m finally settling in to living in the Big City. My new apartment is fantastic, thanks to the keen decorating skills of my Sister. I joined the gym down the street which is walkable to my house (which is the only reason I go). I just signed up for Pilates (so Jennifer Aniston of me, I know). I found a fantastic four mile walking route which takes me from my house in Pacific Heights through the Presidio to Inspiration Point. Here is a picture of the view from there, not too shabby…

My favorite part of this walk besides the beautiful views is I think my IPod is a bit enchanted, while on shuffle every time I get to Inspiration Point…boom a Grateful Dead song comes on. Weird but totally awesome and fitting!

I’ve also joined a book club currently reading, “The Sweet Life In Paris” by David Lebovitz (which is as yummy as it sounds), picked up a class through SF State Extended Learning, met enough new friends to fill my “Grown-Up” studio, figured out neighborhoods and how to get there sans car, stumbled on some fabulous new restaurants, shops and bars, reconnected with old friends, participated in a monthly volunteer project in different parts of the City (the third project this weekend, Landscaping at the MOMA), and gone on countless blind dates. Oh, and I’m kicking ass at work.

Six months ago I was pulling my drunk boyfriend out of bars, while spending money, time and energy to take care of him and his kids and crying myself to sleep wishing I had more in my life. I was living my life for someone else and I had no idea who I was or what made me happy. Now, sometimes it feels like I almost have too much. When I chose to stay at home on a Friday night it’s out of exhaustion not depression.
When I first moved to the City I was literally over-booking myself because I was going through a break-up and even when you break-up with someone who isn't good for you, you still mourn the loss. I hit the bars six nights a week and I won't lie, it was fun and freeing. Mostly after always being "the responsible one" in my past relationship. I think I felt like I never was the one who got to kick up her heels. Now I was. But, bars get tiring and I started to realize over time that I wanted to discover who I was and add things to my life that made me feel authentically good from the inside out.

So, for all of you out there who think change is hard, you are 100% right, it is but it is also SO worth it. In the past six months I’ve changed almost everything in my life, where I live, friends, activities, relationship status and I’ve never felt better…ever. I think I will look back on this time in my life as a rebirth. I’ve never felt more satisfied with who I am. I’m finally doing things for me and enjoying it. I can truly say I’m quite happy right now and it feels great!

Friday, May 7, 2010

I love Craigslist

Being from the Bay Area originally I feel like I was "in the know" about Craigslist way before the rest of the Country. Okay, I know that probably isn't true, I'm not that cool, but it sure felt like that when I lived in Omaha.

Craigslist was founded in 1995 (the year I graduated high school), by Craig Newmark - San Francisco resident. I remember when they would open up new markets and it would be exciting. You felt like you were in on some special group. Now, that group is a mega force of free online classifieds serving 20 billion (with a "B") impressions per month. To put it simply Craigslist is the 11th most visited website in the United States. Pretty good for a Company which has only 32 employees.

In my lifetime I've found most of my apartments, jobs and furniture on Craigslist. I joked the other day that I'm thinking about putting up an ad for a husband! I wanted to share some serendipity I've experienced on Craigslist lately which has made me love the site even more.

Since moving into my new apartment I've decided I'm no longer going to feature any "college-like furniture" i.e IKEA bookshelves, side tables from Target etc. I'm an adult and I want my apartment to reflect that. But, I don't have thousands of dollars to go out and buy new fancy adult like furniture so I turn to my old pal....Craigslist.

My first purchase only a couple weeks ago was a bed side table. After sifting through the IKEA castoffs I found the perfect table. Small, unique, distressed, great shape - Perfect! Living in the City sans car makes it difficult to move furniture so I was happy when I saw in the Post that the seller lived in my neighborhood. When I probed her as to where exactly, it turns out she was right across the street from my apartment! Small world right? This made the move rather simple.

I've also been on the hunt for a the perfect grown up coffee table. After a rather exhaustive search I came across this listing:What a deal! Cute AND two for the price of one! I jumped on it. When I showed up to the building to pick up the tables I felt it was oddly familiar. Then I figured out why. The girl I'd gone to drinks with the week prior that I hadn't seen in 15 years since we graduated high school, well - she lived there. Yep, a three unit building and my Junior High Friend's neighbor was the one selling the cute tables at the great price. Definitely a small world! The best part? Since I couldn't fit the tables in a cab (which was my original plan) Caryn offered to give me a ride. Sometimes life just works out!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Two Evils

One thing I haven't posted a lot about is my trips back to the Burbs. Oddly enough it has not taken long to feel completely at home in the City. Since I didn't bring my car up with me, it makes it tough to get down to the Peninsula from SF. Which I know sounds strange because it is only about 30 miles away and every other City in our great Country and around the world pride themselves on their public transportation, but in the case of San Francisco, getting around sans car is a lot easier IN the City then OUT of it.

My choices on getting back to the Burbs include BART or Caltrain. BART is great and picks up right downtown which is easy for me to get to from my house, but it drops off in Millbrae - a good 10 miles from San Carlos where my parents live and even further from my sister's house. This isn't totally horrible but it does mean I have to bribe somebody to come pick me up at the BART station. Hence BART; easier for me, not easier for the Family.

Just a quick aside...when they built BART back in the early 60's it served only the East Bay. Which to this day, it still does, quite well in fact. BART reaches all the way to Pittsburgh / Bay Point servicing about 20 different East Bay Cities. Meanwhile BART abruptly stops ONE stop past the airport in the South Bay. The reason? Caltrain. Caltrain lobbied against BART using Sara Palin type scare tactics, telling people on the Peninsula that if they expanded BART to San Jose, "bad people" from the East Bay would come in and rob their houses. Total Bull. So, thank you Caltrain for making it more difficult to get around on the Peninsula.

In light of the above it makes sense that Caltrain, on the other hand, drops off right in the heart of my parent's quiet cozy little town. My main problem with Caltrain - I can't read the damn schedule to save my life. I mean a lot of towns have trains, I've even read train maps in foreign Countries that are easier to understand then that of good ole' Caltrain but yet again, I digress. Caltrain also picks up at the very south end of San Francisco so it is kind of a pain and can be rather expensive if you cab it, to get to the station. I know you saw this coming but, Caltrain; harder for me, easier for the Family.

So what is a City gal to do? I've chosen to not go to the Peninsula all that often. Which means, movie nights with my Sis are few and far between (boo), as are dinners with Peninsula friends. I basically go down for the big stuff and then bribe someone to drive me to the BART station in Millbrae and try to really enjoy that hour trip home. This little problem could be solved once I get rid of my car and more importantly the payment and sign up for Zip Car - which is a car sharing service in the City. Then I can at least have access to a car when I want it and escape the City when I'm in need of a break, without having to choose the lesser of two evils.

Monday, May 3, 2010

This could only happen to me

The Brazilian Blowout! These three words have literally changed my life. I've always had puffy hair - not curly, not straight. Just big. My stylist told me about this thing that certain salons are doing called the Brazilian Blowout. Basically it is a temporary way of straightening your hair which removes all the frizz and makes it look like you were born with great hair, which I, unfortunately, wasn't.

After I hear of this miracle process of course I want it as I'm the perfect candidate. I hopped onto Yelp and picked the first salon that popped up which displayed some positive reviews. Which was my first mistake.

I trekked from downtown all the way to the Outer Sunset - which is a good 45 minute trip including the wait for the train. When I finally got to the salon I was pretty worried. From the outside it looked like one of those chop shop nail salons you would skip because you are worried you would get athletes foot from the foot bath. The inside was no better.

The above is an actual picture of the front of the Salon, thank you Google Maps.

I walked in to some loud Russian pop music, a couple of older Chinese gentlemen squatting on the floor over a hole in the floor. A hole. There were dirty towels piled up in the corner, hair all over the ground and the stylists were yelling at each other in Russian. I was a bit worried. I mean I'm not a total snob and I don't expect champagne or anything but I do expect some cleanliness. This place looked like a Russian mafia front. Come to think of it, I would not be surprised if it was.

Helen, the stylist, finally gruffly turned to me and asked me what I wanted - umm the appointment I made two months ago? I have to say she did a good job albeit the process is not difficult and the results are basically attributed to this miracle elixir from Brazil, which I found out was actually created by a mortician to make dead people's hair shiner post mortem.

I did get to catch up on the latest People Magazine (congrats Sandra Bullock), soap in my eye when Oksana the hair shampoo girl accidentally squirted it in my face, and a good couple hours education in Russian pop music.

Lessons learned?

1. Find a salon with more the five reviews on Yelp prior to booking
2. Sometimes there are reasons we judge books by their cover
3. Never go to the Outer Sunset for something you can find at multiple places throughout the City.

Happy Life.

Whew - what a great weekend! I kind of need a weekend from my weekend! But, after the big move last week it was nice to just have a weekend to enjoy the City. Oh and I finally got CABLE! Thank God!! Albeit, I am going to have to try to measure my intake. I do enjoy getting out and about and as I found out Friday night it is easy to lose all motivation and get completely sucked into the sofa.

Saturday morning we volunteered at Glide (now my second time). Spent a couple hours making ham sandwiches which are given to hungry SF folks in bag lunches. This group of people was put together by a co-worker's friend and this is my second event with them. They monthly volunteer somewhere in the City. We had quite a good sized group about 15 people. I thought it was a very cool way to spend a Saturday morning. On the way home I lolly-gagged popping in and out of shops and hit up the Farmer's Market on Fillmore for some fresh fruit and veggies. Another great way to spend a Saturday morning!

Saturday night I went with a group of friends to check out Live Roller Derby at Kezar Stadium. Kezar is actually the first stadium of the San Francisco 49ers and it looks like a High School Gym. The Bay City Bombers sport a girls and a guys team Roller Derby team. It was fun even if it was pretty staged. Kind of like WWF on Skates.

Sunday was my type of day. Brunch with a friend in Lower Haight then a stroll to the shops followed by a couple hours digging for treasures in the thrift stores. The Haight is funny because you still see the vagabonds playing Joplin songs on the sidewalks but it is such a different vibe from yore'. Not that I was there, but I can just imagine what it was like in the 60's.

I finished off the weekend with some live music at Yoshi's Singer Songwriters night. My friend Whitney Nichole performed her original material and was fantastic! All in all a perfect end to a wonderful weekend!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Thanks for nothing


Seeing that I'm nearing the end of my three month promotional period I just wanted to write in and thank you so much for all you have given me over the past three months. First there was Stew, a nice, kind of on the chubby side, sales guy. Stew was the portrait of a nice guy, polite, clean cut, made some good conversation (afterall he was in sales). So after a first date over some wine and a phone conversation we went bowling. Stew bowled a 40. Now, I hate to be this way but...a 40? I mean my nieces bowl better then that and they are 4. There is no way I could date someone for the long haul that bowls a 40, that is just embarrassing.

Little did I know that Stew was probably the best of the bunch, but he was my first date you found for me and I was sure that the real spark you promise in your sweet as honey, kissing in the rain, commercials was out there for me too, so I persisted.

For the sake of time I will give you the quick rundown. There was the construction worker who admitted to a pretty big drug problem in his recent past (out!), the boring pastry chef who now that I think of it seemed pretty gay (no thanks dough boy), the want to be motorcycle guy who I found out on the date didn't even own a motorcycle even though he bragged about the feel of the open road in his emails (see ya!), the weekend paint baller who lived with two lesbians and talked about them constantly (ummm no.)

At a certain point they just start to blur together. Eventually I just started skipping dates and making up excuses. I'd rather stay home and clip my toenails then spend my time with your rag tag bunch

The final straw with you had to be my most recent date. This guy literally took away my want to be in a relationship. Nice guy, single dad a total bore. You work in telecom which by definition is not very interesting - why in the world do you think I want to listen to you talk about it for 45 minutes? I love wine flights, mostly when they are $15 for four half glasses, a hell of a deal at one of my favorite spots. In this case, the worst idea ever because the process is not speedy which just prolonged the imprisonment. I kept looking longingly at the waiter, "Like hurry it up with the next bottle, for the love of God!!" What a travesty.

The saddest thing, is the guy somehow thought this date went well because now, he is semi-stalking me. I mean if I haven't emailed you or returned your numerous calls you would think the guy would get the hint - obviously not. Are you going to pay to change my number Hmmmm?

So to wrap this up, if you could please be so kind to possibly post the following rules on your site in big bold print that would really help out us well adjusted, relatively attractive, single girls....

1. Don't talk about your past relationships on a date. 9 out of the 10 guys I went out with did this. I'm not Dear Abby - save your problems for your mommy.

2. Don't lie in your profile about things you don't actually do / have / want. The truth comes out pretty quick - I'm talking to you want to be motorcycle guy

3. Don't go in for the kiss when the date has been a total bust, if you can't tell that I don't want to kiss you, you aren't reading the signs.

4. After our date if I ignore your numerous follow up emails, don't email again and even worse don't call numerous times and leave messages which are kind of mean thinking I'm going to call you back. I won't.....ever.

I leave you with a wish for happy dating to your numerous members out there and remember, for those you cast off they are someone's special someone and yours is out there too - crossing my fingers and no I will not be renewing my subscription.


What a waste of $40

Saturday, April 24, 2010

The freaks come out at night

Actually, to be honest, in San Francisco the Freaks are out all the time. It is kind of funny how accustomed I've grown to them though. I'm proud to say I've come a long way in three months. I'm close to perfecting the "I'm not ignoring you but not paying any attention to you either". This is a very important skill to learn upon moving to a City known for its freaky behavior, because if you look like you are straight up ignoring them then you are in trouble. They will pick you out of the pack like a three legged deer. The trick is to pick something to look at and intently look at it, say...the ingredients on the back of the bag of top ramen you are holding.

Let me give you an example. Today was the day of the big move into my permanent home here in San Francisco. Yes, as you all know I signed a year lease, and I couldn't be happier about my decision to stay - hooray! My new place is a fabulous studio in the heart of Pacific Heights and the building comes complete with and elevator and roof top view of the Golden Gate Bridge, this little blogger is moving up in the world. Don't get me wrong this place is not a palace, far from it. I like to say I moved from the shoebox I was subletting into a slightly larger shoebox of my very own.

I digress, seeing that I'm slightly neurotic (who me?) I was up at 7 am this morning future worrying about the move (i.e. "Where will they put the storage pod", "The movers totally won't show up!", downward spiral) The worrying of course all turned out to be in vain. The move couldn't have gone smoother. Storage pod delivered on time and right in front of the building, the movers were ass kickers and my mom and dad came to help out and of course my sister kept in touch to talk me off of my made up cliff.

Anyway, so I'm up at 7 am with not a lot to do except future worry, so I go to Tully's to grab a coffee. Upon walking in, I encounter a short line and a man wearing a surgical mask (no he is not a SARS patient) who is pacing around talking to himself and complaining about the "bad service". Then an unsuspecting six year old girl who is standing in front of him in line with her parent catches his attention. He, expecting a helpless victim, immediately starts lecturing her about his mask. The girl, obviously a pro, picks up her chocolate milk and starts intently staring at the label. And that my friends, is the sign of a true local. Of which I can only aspire to be.

I'm so excited to have a permanent SF home and I have to admit this City fits me like a glove, mask wearing freaks and all! Can't wait to keep discovering all there is to find.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

A beautiful weekend in SF...finally

Seeing I was in DC last weekend and down on the Peninsula for Easter the one prior this has been my first weekend in the City in a while. And boy - you couldn't have asked for a nicer one. It is also my last weekend in the sublet! I move into my new permanent home next weekend and I can't wait to be surrounded by my own stuff and have cable again!

Friday night I met up with some friends in the Mission at a place called Zeitgeist. This is the place to go on a sunny day (like today). A huge outdoor beer garden with potent bloody marys. What more could a City gal ask for? After a few beers we headed to Lucky 13 - known for the pole on the bar used by drunken amateurs for dancing. I did not partake in that if you were curious but we did hang in the outdoor space which was very quaint.

After a little alcohol lubricration and finding ourselves so near the Castro we popped into a Gay dance club called Trigger. I have to say, it is kind of unfair. The Gays have it good, hot guys everywhere you look, go-go boys dancing on the bars - one can only wish that us straight girls had it so easy. Suffice it to say you can't help but dance your ass off. We finished the night with a slice and headed home in taxi. One major perk of City living is the taxi ride home on a drunken night - only 10 bucks and 10 minutes and you're home. Thank god.

Saturday I didn't leave my house til 3 pm :) Once I finally got going I met a friend for a movie downtown.
Greenberg with Ben Stiller. Now I knew going in this wasn't a comedy but ugh it was difficult to sit through. I think I'm just tired of movies depicting 40 year old losers who somehow bag the hot 25 year old girl. It just doesn't seem like reality to me but then again maybe I'm just jaded. Anyway, after that I called it a night and headed home.

Today, my friend and I headed to the Cherry Blossom Festival which is held in Japantown - only a hop, skip, and a stop at Crossroads away. Interesting fact, San Francisco's Japantown is one of only three left in the Country. It was hot in San Francisco and that doesn't happen often. So of course we weren't dressed for it. We checked out the parade, ate some sushi, drank some Sapporo and checked out the vendors. After that we treated ourselves to a pedi at the cutest little salon right down the street from home.

Tonight I plan on cuddling up with my latest Netflix (did I mention how much I can't wait to get cable? Just saying.) All in all, a terrific weekend!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

I'm Baaaack!

It's official, I signed a one year lease on a new pad of my very own in the 94115! The most amazing part is they already gave me the keys! So, I'm in and very happy about the decision to stay. Life has been pretty busy of late hence the lack of posts. I will attempt to sum it up for you....

1. Signed up for and started dating. Seriously not impressed with the men I've meet so far.

2. Found literally the BEST sushi place I've ever been to. Small little spot in the Inner Richmond that is only open three nights a week and is cash only. Ran into one of the guys I went on a date with and then blew off. Really? Really. How small is this damn City?

3. Helped out on two volunteer projects - the first serving meals at Glide Church. Which is a pretty amazing place. They serve three meals every day to the City's needy. Then over the weekend I volunteered with a group of folks helping to clean up Ocean Beach. It helped that the weather was absolutely perfect. I pulled a lot of beer bottles off of that beach, penance for leaving so many on the beach when I was in High School.

Stay tuned for info about the big move. I have a feeling it is going to get pretty interesting!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

One Month Anniversary!

Can you believe its been a month since I moved to the City? I can't, but my bank account can. It's gone by so quickly and been so much fun! Two more months in the sublet then its time to find a permanent home. Which should be interesting.

This weekend has been so much fun. I have to say living up the street from Crossroads, the local 2nd hand store doesn't suck. I got a BCBG and a Marc Jacobs shirt this weekend for under $50 bucks on Saturday! My wardrobe will definitely benefit from the proximity. I followed my successful shopping trip with the BEST Ramen I've ever had in Japantown at a place called Bushi Tei. Hmmm just thinking about that soup makes my mouth water.

Last night I met some girlfriends for dinner at The Cigar Bar downtown. The dinner and conversation was fun, but the food left a lot to be desired mostly because it is so overpriced for what it is. I think people love this place because in San Francisco you really can't smoke anywhere but you can here, and they love it. Following The Cigar Bar we headed to the Mission for some drinking and debauchery. The Mission is one of my favorite neighborhoods to visit. I wouldn't want to live there - a little too City for this Peninsula Princess but I do love to visit. Tons of great bars and cute boys abound. It is much more of a hipster scene then a douchebag yuppie scene and I can get down with that. After hanging out at Casanova we finished the night with Burritos at a nearby taqueria and by the time the cab dropped me if it was 3 am! I don't think I've done that since college.

Today, after getting some rest and hauling my butt to the laundromat for a much needed spin cycle, I had brunch with a friend at Crepes n' Coffee on Divisidero and then we walked over the hill from Pacific Heights down to Crissy Fields, the scene of many a movie and most recently where that girl Ali from The Bachelor ruined her grey boots by running around in the water - WTH?. It was a beautiful day in the City and it was nice to get out and about down by the water. It is amazing how small San Francisco seems. I'm sure after walking all of those hills I will feel it in the morning.

Tomorrow is March 1 and the first day of my reigning it in plan - I just can't keep up this breakneck pace, even though it has been so much fun, my pocketbook and my age are begging me to slow it down. Maybe only three nights out next week instead of six....we'll see!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Rain Rain Go Away

Its been raining like cats and dogs in the City this week which is not good for my shoes or my hair in any way. The City is a whole different beast in the rain. Buses run slower and are more crowded (if that's even possible), people are grumpier and as I found out last night while I stood in a puddle with a broken $5 umbrella cabbies don't seem to see you even when you are waving like a mad-woman.

Despite the rain it has been a fun and productive week. I've found the best thing about not having TV is that it does force you to get out and about. For example on Sunday, even though it was pouring rain, I picked up my umbrella, put on my boots and headed downtown for what else, shopping! Those of you who know me know that when I'm left to my own devices I will always end up shopping.

The trip was a success as I found a really adorable shirt on sale for $10 at Anthropologie my favorite "chain" boutique. I followed up my success with a celebratory movie...Dear John. I figured this would be a cute, girlie movie (ala "The Notebook") but it was, hands down, HORRIBLE. Three people walked out within a half an hour. I suffered through it but it was difficult.

Monday night I said goodbye to my girl Kat who had been in town for work with a scrumptious dinner at Woodhouse Fish Co on Fillmore. This dinner was absolutely delicious! We shared the scallops with mashed sweet potatoes and an artichoke stuffed with crab AND shrimp. For the portion size and the quality of the food the prices were pretty reasonable. This place will definitely go in my restaurant rotation.

Tonight I'm off to Best Buy to buy a TV. Don't worry I won't have cable to go with the new TV, I will still get out and about and make sure to report back, it will just be easier to watch a movie when I get home.

Monday, February 22, 2010

The Marina Lives Up to Its Reputation

I apologize friends, today I've had two very loyal readers complain in regard to my lack of consistency. I do have to admit, keeping up with the blog has been tough mostly because I've been trying to keep up with my life but, I promise to do better. So, here goes....

The Marina is full of douchebags (see visual aid above) - this is the place that most everyone I know and love who lives in the City pretty much avoids like the plague. Don't get me wrong, I have some friends who live and or lived in the Marina whom I love, but most of them happen to be mid to late 30 something men, go figure. I've figured out that the most L.A. part of San Francisco is the Marina, and not in a complimentary way.

A few weekends ago my sisters and I ended up in the Marina after a few greyhounds at the Lion's Pub and actually had a good time of it. I realize now that I was falsely swayed into believing that the Marina was not as bad as it was made it out to be, not the hell hole of self absorption that so many label it. The rumors of d-bags reeking havoc and moronic scantily clad women were all over exaggerated and couldn't be true. Wrong my friends - oh so WRONG. We happened to be there over President's weekend when all the Marina so and so's were hanging at Mommy and Daddy's Tahoe ski cabins. This past weekend I was able to see the neighborhood's true colors when I returned with my friends who were up visiting from the Peninsula - and it was a very different and bleak story.

My takeaways from the evening in the neighborhood I've now deemed, "The Jersey Shore of San Francisco"

1. I'm not 23 and even when I was, I wasn't that much of an idiot.
2. I don't care what college you went to, and in fact after listening to you talk for five seconds I'm pretty sure you didn't go to *insert college here* because you are having a hard time stringing a sentence together much less a Bachelors degree.
3. Is that a V-neck sweatshirt you are wearing? I didn't even know they made those - oh you made it yourself, makes perfect sense.
4. Nothing like yuppies singing "Sweet Caroline" at Mel's Drive In drunk at 2 am on a Saturday. Seriously were they filming a movie or something? The cheese factor of this experience almost put me over the edge. I actually felt sorry for the restaurant staff.

Do you need more evidence? If so, check out these voice-mail messages left from a real, true blue Marina D-Bag. It truly speaks for itself. Enjoy.

Never again. I'm much happier hanging in a bar like Fly on Divisadero, which is much more up my alley. That is the best thing about City living, figuring out which neighborhood fits you, and which don't. Although I haven't quite figured out which SF neighborhood says, "Me", I know I can cross one of them off the list, only 99 to go.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

My Lips Are Sealed

Okay, okay I've been shirking my blogging duties, I blame it all on the fresh Greyhounds at Lions Pub, but I'm back so stop your whining! Truth be told I've been recovering from my crazy, exciting, wonderful weekend. I did however make a rule with my sisters that what happens in San Francisco stays in San Francisco and doesn't end up on the Blog soooo I can't give you too many details in regard to Saturday Night. I can say after a lovely dinner we ended up at the Hi-Fi in the Marina. Yes, there was dancing. Enough said. The Hi-Fi kind of reminded me of a cooler version of the 'Burbs attempt at a fun club with booze and dancing, the Carlos Club, which is why I'm bringing my 'Burbs girls (who I lovingly refer to as my "Bridge and Tunnel Crew") who are coming up this weekend there after some Mexican food at La Barca. Woot Woot - someone better call Betty Ford because after a month in this town I think I'm going to need to check in! But with all the money I'm spending, I hope they have a scholarship program because I can't afford to pay. Just kidding Mom and Dad.

I spent Valentine's Day with the City and just wandered around. I had a chance to stroll along Polk Street and check out Russian Hill, which I liked a lot. I may end up living there for the simple fact that the rents in Pacific Heights are pretty high right now and my sublet runs out on April 30th. But, Russian Hill is a fantastic alternative full of fun places to check out, Green's Sports Bar and Nick's Crispy Tacos come to mind. We will see.

Tonight I'm excited to try out Pizzeria Delfina which happens to be on my block with one of my favorite people who happens to be in town from Seattle. I picked this place for a few reasons, 1) It is always packed, 2) the pizza looks ridiculously good, 3) Wine corkage only $15 ;) Bring it on!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Party Like A Rockstar!

Holy Hangover Batman, courtesy of Lion Pub aka The Lions Den, my new favorite dive bar within a four block radius of my house. I fell in love with the place the minute I walked in the door. Cocktails made with fresh squeezed juice, a cheese and cracker bar they replenish throughout the night. Who could ask for more? I went here Wednesday night and it made for a pretty rough Thursday hence the lack of post yesterday.

This 3-Day weekend is chocked full of excitement. Tomorrow I'm viewing the Cartier Exhibit at the Legion of Honor followed by a birthday dinner with my Sisters at Dosa and a night out on the Town with friends on Sunday in celebration of "Single Awareness Day" aka Valentine's Day.

The best part of my weekend is starting in about 10 minutes with a HH after work. Big ups to Alli for planning it for me as a welcome to the big Cit-AY. Happy Hour at Harrington's + Harry's. Harry's is within stumbling distance to home! Can't wait. As we speak I'm doing some stretches and stocking up on Advil getting ready for a big weekend of FUN! Get your game faces on folks it is going to be a wild one. I promise a full weekend re-cap coming to you on Monday.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

On The #1

You knew it was coming....the bus post. Riding the bus in San Francisco is a pretty ridiculous experience. Even though I am lucky that I happen to have an express to downtown bus right outside my door, by the time it actually gets to my door, it looks like this:

The Positives:

1. It takes 15 minutes to get downtown from my house in the morning a huge improvement over my former commute on BART which took 45 minutes.
2. It's an express, so you don't have to deal with all the stops along the way.

The Negatives:

1. Please refer to above picture. Enough said.
2. Having to listen to the awkward conversation between a woman and man who are obviously on the morning side of a one night stand.
3. Having to listen to the guy next to me call his parents and the conversation begins, "Hey Dad.....its me........Brian........your son?......". Maybe you shouldn't be calling your father who you obviously haven't talked to in a while from a crowded City bus, just a thought.

A Guide to San Francisco Buses (as I currently know it):

#1BX - Express to downtown bus, "The Home Turf". Full of working yuppies and singletons giving the "Muni-Face", crowded as all get out, at least one overheard moronic conversation per day. Just a quick aside, "Muni-Face" is defined as, eyes on the floor, no smiling, no talking. It is easier to give good "Face" while checking your Facebook on your PDA.

#1 (non-express) - This bus route goes directly through Chinatown, which everyone has told me was not a good thing. I didn't understand why until yesterday riding home. I was pretty comfortable, had a seat (which is a total perk), was good to go, UNTIL, the bus stopped in Chinatown and about 40 people got on. This is why my friend refers to the #1 as "The Orient Express"

#22 - I like to call this one the "Hampton Jitney". It's full of Marina types decked out in Lulu Lemon active wear off to shop on Union and Chestnut Streets.

#24 - My friend Jen lives right off of this line, so I call it "The Jen Express". I like this bus line because it brings you cross-town on Divisidero to The Haight, which is one of my favorite shopping haunts.

#38L - "The 38 Sleazy", runs up and down Geary. This is the bus line that has been made famous for Muni fights between women as seen on YouTube. I try to stay away from this one. In fact, I try to stay away from Geary altogether, unless I'm going to the Fillmore or The Boom Boom Room!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Shop 'Til You Drop

Today I figured out that San Francisco is pretty small for a big City. What better excuse then shopping to get out and about on a beautiful Sunday in SF? After a lazy morning, I made the choice to head over to Union Street to find some "comfortable" flats. I quoted "comfortable" because as you ladies know unless you break down and wear tennis shoes (which I might have to do with all this walking) it is hard to find a cute and comfortable shoe. I always error on the side of cute myself and I have the blisters to prove it.

Anyway, I hopped on the #22, braved the small dogs, Lulu Lemon sweatsuits and Frat boys swilling Bloody Marys at Perry's to venture to the Marina in search of the perfect shoe. I'm happy to say I survived and even liked Union Street, which is full of cafes, cute little boutiques mixed in with some Chain stores. All in all a great place to stroll, shop and people watch.

After finding the perfect shoe (just not in my size), I was headed up to Cole Valley anyway to watch the Super Bowl at my friend's house and since Cole Valley is oh so close to the Haight I decided to do a little more shopping prior to kick-off.

I love the Haight and I'm pretty comfortable there as this is the place we've been coming to since High School. The Haight is where 'Burbs kids go to go Thrift Storing, get something pierced or tattooed and score weed. Not that I've done any of those things there - well the Thrift Storing I can cop to. Cole Valley sits right above the Haight on the hill. It is such a darling little neighborhood filled with beautiful tree lined streets but due to the steep incline of the hill connecting it to the Haight, it is close to but well out of the fray. I like Cole Valley, its quiet and serene but a little removed from the core of the City for me.

I've found walking to be a great way to see the City. I can feel my butt shaping up. And getting into shape isn't the only benefit to all this walking, you get to admire the very cool and unique architecture in SF and stumble across all sorts of great coffee houses, restaurants and shops. I must've taken thirty mental notes about places I wanted to go back to that would be perfect to just lounge around on a sunny day and sip a latte or brunch with friends. That is the great thing about living here it seems everyone is my age, doing what I'm doing. After living in the 'Burbs where my weekends usually consisted of Target runs and running into people from High School at the same three boring bars, the density of things to do here and places to go and people to meet is a wonderful and refreshing change.

Having the privilege to wander around shopping and drinking coffee is pretty cool and it was a great way to end my first official week in the City. I have to say I'm pretty impressed with how much I was able to pack in. I'm looking forward to a new week of adventures coming up and I'm trying to hold on to the sense of wonderment and excitement I have about being here. I can really say this has been one of the most exciting weeks I have had in a while. I love discovering all this new stuff and being able to walk to it! I love being at the center of all the action and meeting new people every day. So, cheers to week one - I feel I'm well on my way to being Cityfied! Can't wait to see what week 2 has to offer.

Oh, one more note in regard to last night. I went to the much talked about Kabuki Theatre to see Crazy Heart (which was awesome by the way, I mean so good that you should run out and see it right now....seriously, why are you still sitting there? GO!) The movie ticket? $14. FOURTEEN DOLLARS! Highway robbery. Small popcorn plus bottle of water? $8.25. And what did I get for my $23 dollar evening, you ask? A bad assigned seat and a rat running up the aisle when the lights went down. Boo on the Kabuki - I don't care if you can drink in the balcony, I'd rather pay $10 and see a movie downtown at the Embarcadero. Okay, I'm done with my rant. One more thing I had to throw in just for my Sis - a guy just drove by my apartment blasting the classic 1987 INXS song Your One of My Kind - you just gotta love City living!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Lifestyles of the Rich and Richer

My first full weekend in the big City and I've been packing it in. Last night I went to Restaurant Lulu for dinner after work. I'm lucky that this happens to be where my brother-in-law works so it was nice to see a friendly face and even nicer to enjoy a delicious dinner of suckling pig and roasted squash. Hmmmm, my mouth is watering just thinking about it. Come to think of it, I'm going to heat up the leftovers now, be right back......

Now that I've had a little sustenance, on with the blog! After dinner last night I went to catch The Honey Island Swamp Band at the Boom Boom Room. This place is a San Francisco classic and I love that the bouncers at the door are fully decked out in Zoot Suits. The band was eh, but it was a nice way to spend a Friday night.

This morning after a fitful night of sleep mainly due to ill fitting earplugs (I'm testing out a new brand tonight!), my parents came up to see my new place and take me to brunch (thanks Mom and Dad). After a couple false starts, we found a great cafe right around the corner. The Elite Cafe was a little bit of Old San Francisco. With private booths, deviled eggs and the best baked mashed potatoes I've ever had. The host even told us back in the day it used to be a Chinese Restaurant complete with an illegal gambling ring in the basement - gotta love it!

After Mom and Dad hit the road so did I, on foot. I took a walk up to the ritzy Mansion area of my new neighborhood and was amazed at how big some of those houses are! I actually passed the one in the photo above. After Mansion admiring, I did a little shopping in the equally ritzy boutiques on Fillmore. I did manage to score a gorgeous shirt at my new favorite second hand store Crossroads! Can't wait to wear that out next weekend when my sisters come to visit.

Tonight I'm off to the Kabuki Theatre to check out Crazy Heart. I heard you can bring your own booze. Do you think it would be strange if I showed up solo with a bottle of wine? Probably huh? Okay, I won't do it then.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Every Rose Has Its Thorn

I won't lie to you, change is hard. Currently the people reading this blog are the ones who know me best, therefore it shouldn't come as a surprise that I kind of suck at change. As much as I'm excited about my new life, there are a lot of things I miss about my old one. I miss TV, my car, knowing how to find the Safeway. For me, missing things can make me feel lonely. The loneliness is different here. There are all kinds of lonely in this City. Single lonely, homeless lonely, misguided lonely, happy lonely. You can see it in the faces of the people sitting across the aisle on the bus.

In the 'Burbs, convenience is King. I think it is one of the biggest reasons people live there. It is easy to do the things that you want to do. In the City, you have to work for it. You want to go to Nopa? You have to figure out what bus gets you there (the 24), walk to it (4 blocks), wait for it (every 15 minutes). You can't control your destiny in the City the way you do in the 'Burbs. You aren't the one steering the ship and that is hard to get used to.

But, with the lonely comes hope. Anticipation. The beauty of the unknown. My life in the 'Burbs was pretty predictable. It was the same thing over and over. In that predictability, there was a sense of comfort. Like mac n' cheese. It tastes so good but you know deep down while you're eating it that its going right to your thighs. I made the choice to shake things up and start a new life in the City. It is different and I've had to give up some of the convenience I'm used to.

In return, I've gained possibilities. Here, you never know what card you will pull from the deck. It may be a fantastic dinner with friends at a brand new hot trendy restaurant like last night. Or maybe its a run in with a weirdo that results in some laughs with your sister over the phone or celebrating the fact that you chased down the bus in the rain and caught it with a high-five from a perfect stranger. Little miracles everywhere, just waiting to be celebrated. Although it might sound dumb, I feel these are the stories I will tell when I'm older to teenage grandchildren who will be busy rolling their eyes and texting on their PDA.

Adjusting takes time, but I can say since I've moved here, I find myself smiling without realizing it. I find myself believing things are possible. I won't bullshit you, I get lonely sometimes and I miss my family and friends in the 'Burbs, and my 567 channels (including HBO and Starz) but sometimes when you kick yourself out of your comfort zone and you finally do find the Safeway or learn a new bus line you will find yourself basking in those florescent lights like an actress at curtain call. When you catch yourself smiling without realizing it, losing convenience somehow seems totally worth it because you replaced it with yourself.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Lesson Learned

I learned a valuable lesson last night...San Francisco is full of crazy people and it is okay to NOT be very nice to them. I decided to skip trivia seeing I haven't being sleeping well and hit up Walgreen's instead to load up on earplugs and Unisom. Conveniently, Walgreen's is just a short jaunt away.

As I was walking down my cute little street enjoying the window shopping along the way I was approached by a man with his hand held out to shake and a clipboard. Now I probably should have been tipped off by the girl in front of me as she pulled a wide arc around the guy while glaring straight ahead, not missing a beat and totally ignoring him. Me on the other hand? Not so much. I shook the hand, and with that kind deed, I was trapped. The man proceeded to walk in stride with me telling me about all the dead homeless children under a bridge I could be saving if I just give him twenty bucks. Oh and that Dick Cheney was the reason for all the Country's problems, which I feel he actually had a valid point on that one.

So, what do you do when you get cornered on the street by a crazy because you messed up and shook the hand? Well, if you are me, you duck into the first bar you see leaving the man on the street talking to himself. Luckily, I ran into a very nice bartender who not only gave me some great area restaurant recommendations but also the golden rule of San Francisco, NEVER SHAKE THE HAND.

I did eventually make it to Walgreen's last night, and thanks to earplugs and a little Pharmaceutical help....I slept like a baby. Thank god!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Why Didn't I Do This Sooner?

Day two and I’m happy to report City life has been wonderful, chocked full of surprises and new experiences. I took my first bus ride to work yesterday morning and it wasn’t bad at all. I heard through the grapevine there were some people who were a little skeptical about my bus riding abilities. Happy to say I passed with flying colors albeit I did off-board about three stops early but hey I fixed that little mistake today and shaved 30 minutes off of my morning commute! It does come in handy to have an express to downtown bus only steps away from my apartment.

Last night, the end to my first day as a City-dweller, after hitting up a little Company sponsored Happy Hour / Going Away Party at
Cosmopolitan, which was actually a really classy joint that just needs a better name; I tagged along with some friends to a Manuary party. Yep, you read that right MANuary – in other words the celebration of the Mustache and a benefit to raise money for prostate cancer research at Bullitt on Russian Hill.

A little aside on Bullitt to set the scene:

1. They serve 40 OZ of Old English malt liquor in brown paper bags accompanied by a condom
2. They have Makers Mark…..on tap!
3. Burgers come with a side of mac n’ cheese instead of French fries.

Add to the above a bunch of mustached ladies and gents and that is a mixture for F.U.N, which is what ensued. The best part is I did not have to take an hour train ride home. At the end of the night I hopped into a cab and was entertained by the cabbie’s story about how his green card marriage to a lesbian from Singapore isn’t going so well (seriously, I couldn’t make that up!) Within five minutes I was at my front door with my two dollars in change from the cabbie in nickels (?!?) ready to hit the hay.

Now, if I could just get used to the City noise overnight, maybe I could get some sleep! Oh and if you have a little extra time check out the video that was sent to me today by one of the esteemed mustached guests, too funny!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

It's Official

My first night in my new place! I'm so excited to get settled and get CITYFIED! Thank you to all who helped me with the big, isn't moving a pain? The reward of course is a fresh start. I threw out all the old junk probably more then I should have according to my wise old Dad. As the minute I got here I figured out, "Wow, it would have been nice to have that shoe rack right now." Lesson learned.

So a recap of my first official night as a San Franciscan. With a little help from Sis we schlepped my stuff up the two flights of stairs and settled in by popping a bottle of bubbly. Then we headed to the deli up the street for a bit of take-out. Right off the bat, the deli is my new favorite hang! The best part - single sized servings. In the 'burbs everything is VALUE SIZE this and FAMILY SIZE that which makes for a lot of waste when it comes to the single girl. In the City - the cheese, the crackers, the champagne, everything in nice single sized servings. Its like the City is saying, "Go ahead have a couple glasses of wine, you deserve it!" Don't mind if I do San Francisco, don't mind it I do!

Tomorrow is my first day of City bus commuting experience, which reminds me...I better figure out where to catch that bus! This should be interesting.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Pacific Heights Priss

According to Urban Bay Properties, “Pacific Heights (my new neighborhood) is one of the most desirable and exclusive neighborhoods in San Francisco.” To put it simply, it is where the rich people live. Do you remember the movie Mrs. Doubtfire with Robin Williams? I was lucky enough to catch this little gem of early 90’s high-waisted pants and station wagons on TV only months ago and if you have a couple hours on a rainy Sunday I would highly recommend you reconnect with it. It just brings a warm fuzzy feeling. But, I digress…so, the fancy house that Sally Field lived in? That’s in Pacific Heights, actually right up the street from my new abode. Albeit my accommodations are no where near as fancy. One more sprinkle of color, (as if you needed it) famed smut author Danielle Steele will practically be my new neighbor! This is exciting stuff.

I was doing a little background research on my new neighborhood and I came across the most interesting little tidbit regarding the origin of Pacific Heights courtesy of the
SF Chronicle, “The extravagant dwellings that characterize the district today stand as testimony to the desire of those early residents to impress their Nob Hill neighbors.” How great is that?! They built their houses just to show the neighboring district how much better they were! It’s like the Real Housewives of San Francisco circa 1800.

So why, do you ask, would lowly, in-debt, me pick this neighborhood? It’s safe, it’s pretty and its main drag, Fillmore Street, is overflowing with trendy boutiques, coffee shops, hip bars and restaurants. What more could a girl ask for? Pacific Heights is the ‘Burbs of the City, but so much better. It is my kicking off point for City living. Because, let’s face it, a girl from the ‘Burbs can’t just jump right into bums peeing on my doorstep, and graffiti covering the Betsy Johnson storefront. I have to work up to that.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Moving On Up...

My name is Alison, I'm 32, single and I live in the 'Burbs. For years my friends in San Francisco have been urging me to grab the bull by the horns and take the plunge. I've always had an excuse. A month ago after break up number 29(?!?) with the same old Mr. Wrong the excuses ran out. So here I am teetering on the edge of my destiny and I decided to start a blog to keep track of my Big City exploits (but mainly to entertain my Sisters).

A suburbanite girl moves to the Big Bad City. Yeah, like you haven't heard that before right - how cliche? I think I could name off sixteen movies with that premise! So what makes this blog any different? Well me. Unlike Carrie Bradshaw, I'm just a normal girl. I grew up in a normal town, had normal friends, went to a normal college. Which kind of makes me, well...I guess, just like you.

My promise to you dear reader is to give it to you straight and not sugar coat or romanticize City living. If the bus ride home stinks of pigs feet you best believe I will let you know. As I get to know San Francisco, so will you. The good, the bad and the "damn that guy has two shopping carts worth of bum brick-er-brack, how does he make it up all these hills?!!"

Move in date is February 1 - so get ready to get CITYFIED friends. You and I are in for a great new adventure!

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