Monday, December 13, 2010

Written in the Stars

My horoscope today in the Chronical was spot on: LIBRA September 22-October 22 - There's no denying that 2010 has been a wild and crazy year. What's weird is how it's all starting to make a strange kind of sense.

I began 2011 sitting on my sister's couch playing Sex and City Trivia (it was a close game) while in hiding from my stalker ex-boyfriend who I had dumped for the fourth time two weeks prior. Christmas last year was tough to get through and I ended the night drinking too much and sleeping on my sister's couch. I had no idea where 2010 would lead. Looking back its been just that, "a wild and crazy year". This year I've:

-Moved to the City (twice)
-Met new friends
-Changed jobs within the same company
-Learned my way around San Francisco
-Gone Car-less for the first time since I was 18
-Developed much better taste in music
-Joined a book club
-Seen at least one live concert a month
-Strengthened long-time friendships and fostered new ones
-Watch the Giants become World Series Champions
-Started a Supper Club which consists of only 1 out of 10 women I knew prior to last year
-Lost four pounds and gained it back
-Went on a fabulous Mexican vacation
-Discovered how much I love going to the theatre again
-Travelled the Country for work and attended amazing events (on the field at Wrigley!)
-Completely lost myself
-Finally Found myself

I think this has been my biggest year of change yet and I think when I look back on it - I will count it as one of my best. Can't wait to see what next year has in store.

1 comment:

  1. Love you couch is always here for you.
    p.s I think I won that Sex and the City game....




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